I didn't actually have my first kiss until I was almost seventeen, probably because my middle school and early high school years were
I've had a fair amount of different boyfriends since that first kiss, and I've noticed that they all have one thing in common -- each one of them kisses differently.
Have you ever experienced that person that seems really intent on licking your tonsils? I've had him, and it's the most awful thing ever. I think the sailor in that picture was going for the esophagus. I mean, who ever taught them that choking your date to death is a good idea?
I find that the only way to handle this is to pull your head back. I absolutely do not recommend kissing them while laying on your back -- then you're trapped! Beware accidental suffocation!
How about the type of kisser that just kind of puts their
Then there's the non-participating kind of kisser. You know the type: they don't really open their mouth much, don't turn their head when you do, don't put their hands on you, and do not react at all if you do manage to get your tongue involved. They're always tense, too, like they're scared of what you're doing to them. It's super creepy because it feels like you're making out with someone very inexperienced (i.e. a child).
Or, there's the kind that opens their mouth far too wide
Of course, on the other hand, there is my favorite type of kisser, the relaxed type that just sits back and enjoys the
I don't really have a point to make here. I've just been
We're having a little goodbye dinner for my friend tonight. He is moving all the way to Chicago to go to grad school for public administration. Apparently, the appropriate goodbye is a plateful of fajitas (Fah Jee Tas) with a small group of your close friends.
I am very proud of him and think the path he has chosen is a great one, but it really blows that he's leaving. We have all come to a consensus on this. So to him, I say good luck, and also, if you don't come back I'll
Amazing. And on Typing Day, no less.
I actually didn't even make that connection. Awesome.
I miss you. Ice cream/drinks/something soon? Hell, we can even get coffee -- apparently I drink it now (see the post I have yet to write).
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