I have called him Mikee for as long as I've known him. No, not Mikey, but Mikee. I wanted it to be different. Typically, when I talk to him nowadays, I refer to him as Moo or Loo, but that's kind of a long story.
Anyway, I was discussing this relationship with Redheaded Boy the other night, and I got to feeling guilty all over again. Y'see, I was an awful bitch to poor, sweet Mikee. Take the opposite of everything I am now (laid back, trusting, thoughtful, agreeable) and that's what I'm talking about. He put up with that for three years, probably because I was his first real girlfriend and he may not have realized that OH HEY he didn't actually have to deal with a crazy woman.
Around 3 months is when the crazy sets in. I was cool with everything until then. All of a sudden, I was all quit smoking and don't smoke pot and no drinking (for the first year, at least) and oh my god if you even look at another girl I'll cut your eyes out. Oh man, that was the worst. We had so many, many arguments over me accusing him of "staring" at other women. I don't know why I was so insecure - he was super sweet and always tried to reassure and compliment me. Ah, the insanity that is estrogen.
And not only did I put him through hell for three years, but when I broke up with him (that's right, I somehow decided that I was unhappy in the relationship), I started dating someone else almost immediately afterward. Because I am a terrible bitch.
Somehow, we still ended up friends after all this (that was at least four years ago), and I'm really thankful that he doesn't appear to hold any of it against me. I suspect that he will remain one of my lifelong friends, even if we maybe move away from each other, thanks to the power of the interwubs.
Dear Loo,
I am sorry I was the worst girlfriend ever. Your next one will be awesome (as long as you don't pick up another crazy Athol girl). If she is not awesome, you will know better than to stay with her, because you do not want another insane uterus. If you do not know better, then I will tell you, because you
Don't rush into anything, don't lower your standards, and don't settle. You are a nice, handsome, smart boy, and there is no reason for you not to have exactly what you want. I recommend dating around a bit rather than jumping into another relationship. I know it's been a long time, but relationships are like traps sometimes.
You'll do well in life; there's no reason to think you won't do well in relationships.
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