Man, I wanna go to Thailand someday (the picture there). Then again, I also want to go to Greece, Ireland, the UK, France, rural Japan, Germany, Switzerland, Russia, Italy, Brazil, Egypt... well, you get the idea.
Last evening, Redheaded Boy and I were sitting outside his house in my car, as we typically do before I head home. This is the only time I actively support his smoking, because it gives a good excuse to remain in the car to chat.
I want to paint a couple of pictures for you here.
It has been ridiculously humid this summer, and the weather has been all kinds of wonky. While we were sitting in the car, it began to rain something fierce. Figuring we had some time to kill, we reclined each of our seats and played 'Tell Me Something I Don't Know about You' as the rain beat down on the car. Us being thermoregulatory creatures, the windows decided to fog up. Throw in the quiet classical music I had thrown on and the mild glow from the radio dial, and you have a pretty cheesy scene going on.
Before I could blurt, "Holy shit, this is fucking romantic," he waited for a quiet moment, then commented on how much it felt like we were in a movie. I agreed, we made vomiting sounds, there was laughter.
After a while, the car got much too hot, so I suggested we stand in the stupid rain. He had a better idea and we went to stand in the doorway to the barn. The barn that houses a Corvette. On a warm, rainy night. Yes, we even did the whole girl-leans-on-boy-who-leans-against-door-frame-with-arms-around-each-other-while-he-smokes-a-cigarette thing. Seriously. It was disgustingly cute. In a comfortable lull, I actually entertained the idea of what the world would look like in black and white.
He remarked about how this was also like a movie scene. There was more pretend vomiting.
"Skip to the end..."
All I'm saying is I'm glad my life is not a movie -- SO. BORING. Honestly. It would probably turn into a cult film and be hailed as so terrible that it's good (something like Snakes on a Plane), and I'd be famous.
I don't want to be famous. I like blending in.
This is a terrible idea all around, s'all I'm saying. Please, no one approach me with a script. Unless it has dinosaurs. I'm down for that.
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