Is it terribly unusual for a woman to want sex all the time?
Everyone's heard stories about girlfriends that never want it (I went out with a friend just the other night that suffers through such a thing), and we all know the stereotype that married women are not at all interested. I guess I never really put any belief in the tales of woe.
Of course, that might be because I always want it. All the time. Every minute that I am not having it. I wish I was lying, because sometimes, it gets really frustrating. Like, of, for example, at work. Do you have any idea how long eight hours is when all you can think about is sex? Ohmygah it's awful. I have been suffering through today in just this way.
I like sex for a lot of reasons. I guess the most obvious one is eet feelz gooooooooood, ya? Nothing I have ever experienced has been preferable over sex with another human being, no toys, no self stimulation, nothing. On top of the physical side, it's a great way to know that your partner wants you/finds you attractive, and a good way to feel closer to them. Plus, it's hard to be bored when there's someone else inside of you, you know?\
Side note: A Google Image Search for the word 'sex' (with moderate safe search on) somehow brought up this horrifying thing. On the first page even. Someone please explain?
Side side note: Redheaded Boy surprised me with 'just because' flowers yesterday. I was way more impressed than I let on. Don't tell him ;)
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