So I mentioned two posts ago that Redheaded Boy and I discussed having a weekend at these little cabins my mom used to bring me to each summer, called the Pemi Motor Court cabins, seen ici:

I like to act on spontaneous ideas immediately, so I wanted to go next month, but Boy suggested we go in the fall, when the leaves start to change.
So the new plan is for late September or early October, before it gets too cold. I recently mentioned this to the gracious hosts of the dinner party, and Lady found the cabins to be CHARMING (yes, she did use caps). They may rent one of their own :)
Anyway, we will probably be staying in one of the little log cabbies, as pictured ici:
I realize they don't look gorgeous on the outside, but the inside looks like this:
On top of that, the grounds are beautiful, and there's a really cool river behind the cabins! They all have fireplaces and such, too. I'm so in love with that place.
The same Lady and I also discussed her and her Chef moving out to scenic western Massachusetts for her new job. I am sad that they are going (it's about an hour and a half away as opposed to fifteen minutes), but it's a great place to live.
During discussions about the area, she insisted that we go to something she called the Peace Pagoda. Dude. Hell. Yes. I am a total sucker for anything even remotely related to Buddhism or monks or cool eastern religions. There's a pagoda in Massachusetts?! I am there, Lady.
They're moving in a week, and will probably need another week to settle in. After that, though, we are making a day of this. Early (not too early) trip to the PP, a small picnic there, then we are going to the Montague Book Mill, (which, speaking as a total nerd, excites me to no end), lunch/dinner at their fancy restaurant, and ending the night with some wine and relaxed conversation.
I dig this plan. So. Hard.
Okay, now, this one is going to sound weird. I mentioned my dream of spending some serious time in a monastery (I wasn't kidding, not even a little). Somehow, earlier today, I stumbled upon a website called Intentional Communities. IT'S NOT THAT WEIRD, SHUT YOUR FACE. So IC has links to ecovillages and communes and even just co-housing. I don't think it's weird to live close to a bunch of people and hanging out or eating together or whatever; I really like the idea of having a close-knit group to rely on.
Anyway, the website has a search function where you can find a certain type of community and find them in your area (or whatever area you want to go to). I want this. I just need to either find one that exchanges room and board for your labor, or somehow hit the lottery. I'm currently doing a search for ones with the word 'Buddhist' in the New England area.
Think about it, though! I could be one of those 'worldly' people they make movies about. A few years in a commune, working for food and shelter. A few years in a monastery, learning meditation and not speaking a word. Maybe taking one of those backpacking trips across Europe, staying in hostels (that movie was just terrible) and moving from place to place.
I can't even imagine how awesome that would all be.
I'm pretty sure I'm actually a hippie. The only difference is that I like to shower and shave my legs and armpits. Oh, and I'm completely uninterested in drugs. Or beads. Or pacifism.
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