Sunday, February 3, 2008

MotoX: Pastrana and Deegan

So, I was thinking, since I've shared my musical tastes, why not continue the trend and throw up some things pertaining to my other interests?

This post is all about dirt bikes and freestyle motocross. I'm sure everyone's heard of Travis Pastrana -- he was a big name a few years back, and still remains totally awesome -- and Brian Deegan is also a big name in the sport. Anyway, somebody put together a video displaying both of their most impressive tricks (and a few of their hardest falls).

In relation to that (sort of), here's Deegan backflipping over a pool of sharks. I recommend skipping to the last ten seconds of the video, when he actually does the trick; the rest is just MTV bullshit.


Anonymous said...

Anything to do with dirt bikes is fucking awesome. Even though I cold never to tricks or even go off huge ass jumps it is still by far the most enjoyable activity I have ever done.

You get a great workout, enjoy some nice scenery and learn how every part on the bike works. Having something like this work reliably is a good feeling knowing that you were the one to make it work that way. And when they break, it's really fucking expensive.

Squeaker said...

I don't think that last part is very awesome.

Anonymous said...

Those guys are nuts to do what they do. Some of the stunts could easily kill them. Hell of a thing to watch though.

Bob Coughlin said...

Deegan has balls. That's all there is to that.

Anonymous said...

He's so badass. I love the tattoos and attitude. He's a really sexy guy.

Squeaker said...

Tell me about it (and I think this fairly applies to everyone's comments).

Anonymous said...

All of Metal Mulisha deserve recognition. They've been doing the shit a long time.