If you don't know who Tyler Durden is, then you're a flamer and you need to see Fight Club, because it's fucking Brad Pitt -- what else do you want? Then again, I don't really know what he has to do with this blog, other than being in the title.
What Would Tyler Durden Do? is, to quote the writer, "a blog focused on bringing you the latest gossip and news about rich and famous celebrities. And then making fun of them. Why? Because fuck them, that's why." Very similar to Life Misled in some ways, but a bit on the gentler side -- in other words, you're less likely to cringe after reading an article. Still funny, though.
WWTDD is written by Brendon Donnelly, a guy who certainly looks like he doesn't take any shit. Apparently, he also used to write for IDon'tLikeYouInThatWay and was head writer for The Superficial.
Anyway, I've been meaning to review this site for a long time, because I've been following it for months. It's funny and well-written, and what could be bad about anyone who writes something like, "For the first time, I'm on Britney’s side. That tubby bitch can acquire food, I assure you. She's like a polar bear. You could put a cake under 2 feet of ice and Britney would stick her nose to the ground and find it. When asked for a comment, Britney said, "food goes in my tummy". I'm not technically a doctor, bet she's right on that one."
In conclusion: read it... or Brendon will kick your ass.
Like the site. I would say that's becoming an increasingly accurate statement about Life Misled too. Lot of updates here, I didn't expect that.
It's a good site, no doubt. It is lighter than mine, thankfully for their marketing. Considering IDLYITW blew up, maybe he should've stayed with them but the Superficial is still quite popular. Maybe I should take a few pages out of his book. Or maybe I'll just wipe my ass with it because I don't give a fuck and I'll probably end up at Shaws for the rest of my life bagging groceries in such a way that they tear when people go to carry them into their homes.
I love that site, it's very informative. Doesn't step on Bob's turf too much which is good too. Nice recommendation.
He really doesn't look like he takes any shit lol! I like the site, very well done.
Lol, I love it.
Buen blog, desde España un saludo
Gracias. ¡España es encantadora!
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