Anyway, here's the first blog review:
Gaijin Smash is my most favorite blog to read when I'm bored. It's a non-fiction blog, which may sound dull, but I'll honestly say that is the last possible thing it could be.
It's about an American man living in Japan. Doesn't sound exciting? Well, then you probably don't know how absolutely fucked up Japanese culture is. Now, before you start calling me racist and culturist and whatnot, try reading some of this guy's posts. You wouldn't believe some of the things he's seen/heard/experienced/been horrified by.
Reading Azrael's (the author) posts will educate you in the following subjects: the game of Kancho, Dodgedick and Dodgedick Sense, the meaning of Gaijin/Gaijin Powers/Gaijin Perimeter/ect, Massive Melon Tits, porn on trains, and much, much more.
No, I'm not kidding.
Either way, Azrael is very articulate and very, very funny. I have found myself in silent computer labs on campus, reading the blog for lack of anything more productive to do (usually when skipping a class), and I'll suddenly surprise myself and annoy everyone else with a loud laugh. The angry looks are worth it, though, and I just keep reading, so the cycle continues.
In conclusion: It's funny, and addictive. Read it.
I almost didn't check your site today but good thing I did. I found the link highly entertaining, so thank you for the link.
I have to admit, I'm a little jealous you reviewed this blog and not mine. It's understandable though because my blog sucks.
Your blog is awesome, you tool. My only readers are ones that come from yours! Therefore, it would be redundant and silly for me to review yours now -- I have to wait until I have my own audience.
I appreciate your honesty. I am, indeed, a tool. However, you do have readers that do not hail from my site, they are just fuckbags who don't leave comments because it's too much to ask.
It's okay though. I won't play the hurt little girl. Even if I'm both.
Oh man, I love tooly little girls. That are actually 22 year old men. Muscular ones. Named Bob.
*awkward silence*
*...breaks awkward silence*
I suppose I may be exaggerating a little bit but then again so are you. I am a 22 year old man-boy, with an odd build rivaled only by character flaws that outweigh any positive physical attributes. Lets at least tell it like it is.
But your "flaws" are ones that make me laugh, like when you make fun of other people or throw girls across hallways. It's perfect.
There are some very entertaining things on the site. Excellent review. You write well too.
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