That evening was my night to visit the boyfriend down in Westfield (Westfield to Leeds is about a 40 minute drive). I planned to talk to boyfriend about him not wanting to make the move to Worcester in the fall, when I
Friday evening, on my way back to Leeds from Westfield, I was involved in my first ever car accident. The plan was to take a left onto the city's very busy main street. The SUV coming toward me was taking a right onto my street, and the other direction was clear. I waited to make sure the car with its blinker on was actually turning, looked in both directions again, then tried to make a speedy entry into traffic. Instead, I made a speedy entry into the car that had been hidden BEHIND the SUV, which had taken the liberty to go around the turning vehicle.
Yesterday afternoon, after my boss made me stay almost two hours longer than my shift was supposed to last, he sat me down and told me that he really likes working with me, I do a really great job, blah, blah, blah. I thought this was my annual review, which was 3 days overdue already. Reviews generally promise a dollar raise, and these days, any extra money is more than welcome.
I did not get a raise. No, instead, I got laid off. He assured me that I've done absolutely nothing wrong, I'm really great, but our collections are down and patient volume is low -- it is the same as it's ever been in the last year, in my bitter but honest opinion. Of course, he'll give me a glowing reference, and extend the very unafforable option of COBRA insurance, and he'll even let me work until the end of next week! Oh boy!
So I go home where the boyfriend is waiting, and we somehow proceed to have an argument and spend the rest of the evening in silence.
He posed the idea that maybe I've run over some innocent animals without knowing it.
Karma, well, she seems very angry with me. I'm sorry, Karma. Whatever it was I did, I'm sorry!
Hopefully happier posts will come in the future.
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