So, I just read about this movie called Expelled. It was originally supposed to be called "Crossroads," because it was intended to explore the "intersection of science and religion," and even had the consent of Dr. Dawkins. Apparently, though, the title and production company changed, and the people that were interviewed were not informed of this.
To me, this is kind of like when I walk outside of a bar or restaurant and get a faceful of smoke, I think, People still smoke? This time, it's just getting an eyeful of things like this:

And I have to wonder, People are still arguing about this stuff?
For God's sake (pun quite intended), take a damn biology class.
I think the worst thing is the movie. I haven't seen it, but I've watch both the trailer and extended trailer. This movie isn't about the difference between Intelligent Design and Darwinism; no, it's about how society attacks and discriminates against anyone that believes in Intelligent Design. Look:
Ben Stein warns you in the extended trailer that by watching this movie you may lose your friends or your job. I wouldn't be against it if it was an actual intelligent film that explores two different views, but it isn't. It's fine that the ID people want to have their say, but it isn't fine that they make everyone else out to be bad guys. "Oh, you believe in evolution? You'll probably discriminate against me because I don't."
Maybe it's true. Okay, fine. Then why aren't you advertising a movie that talks about the hardships of ID believers in society? Why are you claiming to discuss the similarities and differences of two different theories?
There needs to be idiots, or we wouldn't have people to make fun of.
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