An update of my life in one breath: I'mleavingmyjobtomovetoWestfieldwithmyRedheadedBoy. S'right. I'm wicked excited -- I love western Mass so hard. I had (have) my heart set on Amherst, but Westfield is nice, too. In January, Boy will go back to school and finish his graphic design/business degree, and hopefully I'll get enrolled at Holyoke Community College for Vet Tech-ery.

As you can see, our apartment is gorgeous -- we're moving in the weekend after next -- and also super affordable! It's only $770 a month, and that includes friggen' everything, even electricity! Yeah, I know! It's right in the middle of everything, too. I can't believe it.

Also, I know what some of you are probably thinking --> Moving in with the Boy? What is she thinking? How long have they even been dating?!
Three months, in fact, and no, I don't think it's too soon. Too each his own, and my own is a sweet, wonderful Redheaded Boy whom I love very much!
(On a side note, the first time he told me he loved me, he showed up with a dozen roses. Yeah, you're jealous. And that's okay.)
Also, I's gots me a fancay intarveeyu with a healthcare staffing agency called Clinical One. It's for a position as a Healtcare Recruiter, so I would be doing some interviews and such. I think it sounds cool, personally. Guess I'll find out!
If that doesn't work out, I'm registered with Office Team, who assured me it'd be easy for me to get work through them, since I've got lots of experience.
And to my blogging friends: I apologize for disappearing completely. I haven't left anyone a comment in... forever! I think it's very likely that I won't really ever come back, at least not to the extent I was at then. Thanks for all your comments and reading my ridiculous posts and such!
To my central Mass friends: I'm not going away for ever -- in fact, Shane and I will probably be back every other weekend! Plus, you're always welcome to visit us; we'll have a couch and an expanse of floor + blankies for anyone that wants to crash. Or a couch-fort, when Mark stays over.
To my western Mass friends: OHMYGOD I'M SO EXCITED TO SEE YOU ALL ALL THE TIME!!!!